The Founders


Rudra Raj singh


Rudra Singh currently attends the prestigious Lincoln Community School, in Accra, as a junior. Born and raised in Africa, he has embraced, and soaked in its beauty and vibrancy. The continent's betterment and development has always been 0f primary interest and of grave concern to him. This is reflected in his other endeavours, which include Right To Light, which aims to build and provide solar lamps, by re-using e-waste materials, for less fortunate farmers and students, as well as Rising Writers, which is a writing competition aimed at developing the writing skills of local school students in Ghana. In addition to this, he is a member of the Student Representative Council, as well an executive in the Model United Nations Club, and an executive in the Operation Smile club.


kabir singh


Kabir Singh is an 11th grade student who attends the American International School of Lagos, in Nigeria. He is an active participant in his school community, and enjoys spending time with his friends and family. He is the founder and president of a club directed towards the physically and intellectually impaired community of Nigeria. This entails working with a Children’s Developmental Centre to help address their needs in any way possible. He is also president for an initiative which helps widowed mothers and children. Additionally, he is part of his high school’s leadership team, is a member of the service council and is vice president of his associative student body. Kabir is a dedicated athlete, and has been part of the schools varsity volleyball and soccer teams since freshman year.


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Mahek uttamchandani


Mahek Uttamchandani is currently an 11-grade student at the American International School of Lagos. She has spent all her life in Nigeria and as such feels a dedicated towards its community and rich culture. From this stemmed her interest in service which is reflected in the activities she partakes in, such as En-able-ing Lagos, a club she founded to desensitise the mass in regards to the intellectually/physically impaired. Furthermore, she is co-President of Youth Impact Change Organisation, a dedicated group of advocates who shed light on the UN sustainable development goals and is a member of her school’s service council. 


Yeyya wane


Yeyya Wane is a 12th grade student who currently attends the International Community School of Abidjan, in Cote d’Ivoire. She is very engaged in her school’s community, taking on various MCing jobs for school events. She is a head of ICSA’s House System as well as a member of the Green Team.

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Laura B. Tchamou


Laura B. Tchamou is an 11th grade student who currently attends the American School of Kinshasa (TASOK). She has participated in activities such as MUN for three years and is an avid, well versed public speaker. She has participated in student leadership since Middle School and is always giving back to the community. Laura has been a part of her school's volley and soccer team since freshman year but also enjoys yoga and gymnastics. 


Arushi Aditi


Arushi Aditi is a sophomore in Lincoln Community School (LCS), in Accra, Ghana. After spending over seven years in Africa, she has gotten a chance to learn more about and be part of the wonderful African culture. After living in beautiful African countries such as Tanzania and Ghana, she always seeks opportunities to give back to her community. Not only is she an executive member (Secretary) of her school’s Student Representative Council, she is also a co-Editor-In-Chief of the Youth Impact Change Organization, Co-President of Elevate The Future (Chapter Ghana), an active member of the Model United Nations club, Human RIghts Club, TEDx LCS, and several other initiatives.


Thandeka Mudavanhu

(Email Pending)

Thandeka Mudavanhu is an 11th grade student, attending the American International School of Johannesburg. She actively contributes in a number or different services across campus, and helps with their community needs. One of her most recent participation’s was “Rising Up For Rescuers” which helps provide food, clothes, toys and other essential needs to poor communities in Johannesburg. Apart from service, she plays on the varsity basketball team, earning the MVP award in the 2020 season. Apart from school Thandeka enjoys a good laugh with friends and family. She also does competitive gymnastics everyday after school, and is on the National Team.